Videogame made in Unity, 3D modeling made in Blender. 2018.

SOLA is a video game that embodies the climate of tension, discomfort and fear that can be experienced while walking alone at night in cities where gender-based violence is embedded in everyday life. SOLA challenges the usual understanding of games as a source for entertainment. It builds on the concept of play to explore a video game as an instrument for conceptual thinking and a tool to work through social issues. How do we get back home? Do we walk or take a cab? Do we take the short cut, or the better- lit path? Do we let someone know that we are on our way just in case we never arrive?

Conception and direction: Agustina Isidori
Unity+Blender implementation: Sam Bourgault

Presented by Agustina at
Antifa Art&Games. Bari, Italy, 2019

Teorema Festival de Arte Interactivo. Bartcelona, Spain, 2018

WePlay! Barcelona, Spain, 2018

Whaaat?! Festival for games and experimental interactions. Boulder Colorado, U.S., 2018

ARS ELECTRONICA Festival - Taking Care Exhibition. Linz, Austria | 2018

You Are Here. Concordia Uni. Montreal, 2018

Synopses. Concordia University. Montreal, 2018.
